本项目研究通信和计算受限系统的资源调度和反馈控制问题。这一受限系统理论模型的实际背景是网络控制系统、信息物理融合系统和物联网等新型的控制系统形态。在 这些新型的控制系统形态中,通信和计算资源的限制对传统控制理论提出了全新的挑战。拟采用一种基于主动预测的资源调度和反馈控制策略,从统一整合的角度进行此类系统的设计和分析。其基本思想是利用通信网络和嵌入式计算技术自身的特性来对它们引入的限制进行前馈式的主动补偿。将采用实时系统调度理论、模型预测控制和最优控制理论等方法,从统一整合通信、计算和控制的角度,建立一套适应于通信和计算受限系统的主动预测式的资源调度和反馈控制理论框架。这一研究将为网络控制系统、物联网和信息物理融合系统等在国民经济中的应用提供坚实的理论基础,对提高我国的工业化和信息化水平有着直接的和现实的意义。
本项目旨在建立一套以主动预测为基础的针对通信和计算受限系统的调度和控制 理论框架。得益于对通信和计算特性的主动利用,这一框架将是在应用中可灵活配置的, 即传统的控制方法经过适当的修改仍可在这一框架下适用;同时又是有效的和优越的, 即可以达到传统的控制方法所不能达到的控制性能。所得的理论框架将经受理论和实验 环境的充分验证。
- 通信和计算受限系统的数学建模。对数据包在通信网络中传输所带来的时延、 丢包、错序及网络接入限制等和嵌入式计算所带来的接入限制和功耗要求等 进行合适的数学刻画;并进而连同所考虑的控制系统一起,建立有机的整合 通信、计算和控制的统一模型。
- 通信和计算受限系统的理论分析与设计。将首先分别研究通信和计算受限系 统的主动预测式资源调度和反馈控制策略,然后将调度和控制有机结合,形 成统一的策略。对给定的通信、计算和控制综合指标进行系统最优设计,并 进一步分析闭环系统的稳定性、鲁棒性等性能指标。
- 系统的实验验证。将改造由英国格拉摩根大学研发的基于 WEB 的网络控制 系统在线实验平台(加入嵌入式计算的影响),并在此经过改造的平台上对 所得到的理论结果进行实验验证。
Journal Articles
Characteristic Model Based Adaptive Controller Design and Analysis for a Class of SISO Systems
Jian-Fei Huang,
Yu Kang,
Bin Meng,
Yun-Bo Zhao ,
and Haibo Ji
Sci China Inf. Sci
The design of an adaptive controller and stability analysis of the corresponding closed loop system are discussed for a class of SISO systems based on the characteristic model method. The obtained characteristic model is a second-order slow time-varying linear system with a compress mapping function for the system modeling error. The pole placement method is used to design the controller, and sufficient conditions for the stability of the closed loop system are obtained based on the robust control theory of slow time-varying systems with perturbations. The effectiveness of the proposed method is illustrated by two numerical examples.
Dynamic Data Packing Towards the Optimization of QoC and QoS in Networked Control Systems
Yu Kang,
and Yun-Bo Zhao
Science China Technological Sciences
A class of networked control systems is investigated whose communication network is shared with other applications. The design objective for such a system setting is not only the optimization of the...
On Input-to-State Stability of Switched Stochastic Nonlinear Systems under Extended Asynchronous Switching
Yu Kang,
Di-Hua Zhai,
Guo-Ping Liu,
and Yun-Bo Zhao
IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics
An extended asynchronous switching model is inves- tigated for a class of switched stochastic nonlinear retarded systems in the presence of both detection delay and false alarm, where the extended asynchronous switching is described by two independent and exponentially distributed stochastic processes, and further simplified as Markovian. Based on the Razumikhin- type theorem incorporated with average dwell-time approach, the sufficient criteria for global asymptotic stability in probability and stochastic input-to-state stability are given, whose importance and effectiveness are finally verified by numerical examples.
基于神经网络的伺服机械手 LuGre 摩擦补偿控制
and 陈光
针对伺服机械手系统的 LuGre 摩擦模型参数辨识难,难以建立其精确的数学模型,利用径向基函数( RBF) 神经网络的万能逼近特性逼近 LuGre 摩擦,并作为计算转矩控制器的补偿项. 通过 Lyapunov 方法证明了系统的稳 定性以及闭环系统跟踪误差的收敛性. 仿真结果证明控制算法能对摩擦进行有效补偿,提高了伺服机械手系统的 轨迹跟踪控制性能.
Regularization and Robust Stabilization of Uncertain Descriptor Fractional-Order Systems
Rong Huang,
Yu Kang,
and Yun-Bo Zhao
Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A
Road Characteristic Based Location Technique for Vehicle Exhaust Gas Detection
Zerui Li,
Yu Kang,
Xin Wang,
Xiaobin Tan,
and Yun-Bo Zhao
Now there is a growing awareness that the air pollution in China is getting more and more serious, and the leading factor is the exhaust produced by vehicles in cities. To detect every registered vehicle enables us to take means to control the air pollution in cities. The conventional methods detecting exhaust by simulating running states, cannot capture the real-time emissions effectively. The remote sensing system for exhaust gas detection is an effective way to solve these problems. However, there is no location technique on how to place vehicle exhaust detecting devices in traffic network. This paper proposes a road characteristic based location technique for the devices. After determining the monitoring area and collecting the related road information, a model based on the road characteristics is established. Then these roads are clustered into several parts and the core roads will be the location. Finally the several schemes are evaluated, ranked and picked to achieve a relatively optimal location scheme.
Stability Analysis and Stabilization of a Class of Cutting Systems with Chatter Suppression
Hao-Fei Meng,
Yu Kang,
Zhiyong Chen,
and Yun-Bo Zhao
IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics
In this paper, a new method for stability analysis of a single degree of freedom (SDOF) cutting system with sinusoidal spindle speed variation (SSSV) is proposed. Based on the approximately periodic prop- erty of the time delay in the turning process and the delay decomposition method, novel criteria of stability analysis for an SDOF cutting system are presented. Moreover, a state feedback controller is designed to stabilize the system and improve the steady-state response. Numerical simulation shows the effectiveness of the method.
Power Measurement Based on VSLMS Improved Adaptive Filter
Qi Qian,
Yu Kang,
and Yun-Bo Zhao
Journal of University of Science and Technology of China
A new algorithm is proposed to detect and extract in real-time signals with fundamental and harmonic wave components in the power grid,which is applicable to power measurement. The proposed method is based on the concept of adaptive filter,and adaptively decomposes the measured power signal into its constituting components,resulting in a fast convergence rate.The fundamental and harmonic wave components in the power grid can be decomposed into a series of sinusoidal signals.The frequency of the power grid is measured by energy operator.A model of voltage and curent wave in the power grid is constructed,a new step-size LMS algorithm for improving the adaptive filter is proposed and the stability of the proposed method is discused. The efectivenes of the proposed method is demonstrated by simulation examples.
Networked Control Systems: The Communication Basics and Control Methodologies
Yun-Bo Zhao ,
Xi-Ming Sun,
Jinhui Zhang,
and Peng Shi
Mathematical Problems in Engineering
As an emerging research field, networked control systems have shown the increasing importance and attracted more and more attention in the recent years. The integration of control and communication in networked control systems has made the design and analysis of such systems a great theoretical challenge for conventional control theory. Such an integration also makes the implementation of networked control systems a necessary intermediate step towards the final convergence of control, communication, and computation. We here introduce the basics of networked control systems and then describe the state-of-the- art research in this field. We hope such a brief tutorial can be useful to inspire further development of networked control systems in both theory and potential applications.
Stability Analysis of A Class of Hybrid Stochastic Retarded Systems under Asynchronous Switching
Yu Kang,
Di-Hua Zhai,
Guo-Ping Liu,
Yun-Bo Zhao ,
and Ping Zhao
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
The stability of a class of hybrid stochastic retarded systems (HSRSs) with an asynchronous switching controller is investigated. In this model, the controller design relies on the observed jumping parameters, which are however delayed and thus can not be measured in real-time precisely. This delayed time interval, referred to as the “asynchronous switching interval”, is Markovian and dependent on the actual switching signal. The suf- ficient conditions under which the system is either stochastically asymptotic stable or input-to-state stable are obtained by apply- ing the extended Razumikhin-type theorem to the asynchronous switching interval. These results are less conservative as it is only required that the designed Lyapunov function is non-decreasing. It is shown that the stability of the considered system can be guaranteed by a sufficiently small mode transition rate of the underlying Markov process, which is a conclusion similar to that in asynchronous deterministic switched systems. The effectiveness and correctness of the obtained results are finally verified by a numerical example.
Conference Articles
Location Problem for Traffic Emission Monitors
Zerui Li,
Yu Kang,
and Yun-Bo Zhao
In International Conference on Human System Interactions
In order to mitigate the air pollution caused by traf- fic, the monitoring of on-road vehicle emission is really an urgent issue. The Vehicle Emission Remote Sensing System (VERSS) is a promising technology to solve this problem. But there is scarcely any available location strategy for traffic emission monitors yet to our knowledge, which restraints the use of monitors on a large scale of traffic network. In this paper, we make some efforts to solve a novel location problem in the transportation domain, that is, we look for the minimum subset of roads on which traffic emission monitors should be located, thus we can detect as many on-road vehicles as possible. We explicate how to transform the location problem to some graph problems and give the problem formulation mathematically. Then a two-step algorithm is designed to find the set of roads to locate monitors. The simulation test verify its availability. And in the last section some problems that should be studied further are presented at the end of the paper.
Improved Results on Stability of Markovian Jump Systems with Time-Varying Delays
Pengfei Li,
Yu Kang,
and Yun-Bo Zhao
In IEEE International Conference on Control Applications
The stochastic stability of Markovian jump sys- tems with time-varying delays is investigated. Three delay- partitioning methods, i.e., partitioning [0,dmin], [dmin,dmax] and both, are considered to derive the delay-range-dependent stability criteria. Different Lyapunov-Krasovskii functionals are consequently constructed for the stochastic stability of the sys- tem. The effectiveness of those results are finally domonstrated by a numerical example.
Remote Sensing and Artificial Neural Network Estimation of On-Road Vehicle Emissions
Zerui Li,
Yu Kang,
and Yun-Bo Zhao
In International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications
The emissions of on-road vehicles are studied based on a remote sensing system and artificial neural network models. A transportable vehicle emission remote sensing system is used to collect the emission data from May to August 2012 in Hefei, China. Based on these light-duty gasoline vehicle data containing the emission pollutants such as carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, nitric oxide, and so on, artificial neural network models are constructed to estimate the relation of fuel-based emission factors and input parameters. The performance of the developed models is analyzed and compared, showing that neural networks perform better than the multiple linear regression models, thus validating the effectiveness of neural networks in vehicle emission estimation.
Fusion Approach for Real-Time Mapping Street Atmospheric Pollution Concentration
Wenjun Lv,
Yu Kang,
Zerui Li,
and Yun-Bo Zhao
In International Conference on Human System Interactions
The real-time mapping of street atmospheric pollu- tion concentration does play an important role because its knowl- edge is crucial for strategy-makers to make more effective control strategies to decrease urban atmospheric pollution and improving urban atmospheric environment. Combining the conventional methods (e.g. the dispersion model prediction and neural network prediction) and mobile measurement technology (e.g. the GMAP vehicle) which their characteristics are complementary, a linear model is proposed and then a fusion approach called weighting filter derived from the concept of Kalman filter. Moreover, a self- tuning regulator is introduced to adjust the parameters of filter for the changing noise statistical characteristics over time which mainly caused by season switch. The performances of asymptotic stability and asymptotic optimality are both mathematically proven. Finally a simulation test is conducted to verify this approach.
Fuzzy-Logic Based Adaptive Weighting Filter for Strap-down Inertial Navigation Systems
Wenjun Lv,
Yu Kang,
Zhi-Jun Li,
and Yun-Bo Zhao
In World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation
Strap-down inertial navigation systems are widely applicable in both military and civil industries. The outputs of gyroscope and accelerometer are polluted by noises. Different form the conventional technologies, the weighting filter pre- sented in this work is superior to both the complementary filter and Kalman filter. Furthermore, to eliminate the negative effects brought by the variation of noise statistical characteristics, a fuzzy-logic based regulator is introduced to adjust the weight coefficient adaptively. Finally, experiments are conducted to validate the efficiency of the filter.
Networked Predictive Control of Hammerstein Systems
Tian-Tian Wang,
Yu Kang,
and Yun-Bo Zhao
In Chinese Control Conference
This article mainly deals with the control and stability problems of networked Hammerstein with nonlinear input. A novel predictive controller design method is proposed to offset the effect of network delay and data dropout. The controller gain which depends on the time delay of the feedback channel is time-variant. Since we assume that the state is not measurable, the control signal is based on the state estimated by the observer. As for the nonlinear part of the input,We assume it satisfies a sector constraint and treat it as a input inaccuracy. Theoretical results are presented for the closed-loop stability by modeling the system as time-delay Hammerstein system with nonlinear inputs. A second-order Hammerstein system is implemented to show the enhanced performance of this control method.