AI驱动的人机智能 AI-Driven Human-Machine Intelligence


The fundamental theory and methodologies of control-oriented human-machine hybrid intelligence, including aspects such as the quantization and analysis of autonomy and trust in the human-machine context, the fundamental methodology of traded and shared control, and the models and strategies in human-machine games, as well as relevant applications in human-machine co-drive, human-UAV confrontation, smart manufacturing, etc.


AI驱动的工业智能 AI-Driven Industrial Intelligence


Systematic analysis of unreliable AI in the smart manufacturing context, fundamental methodologies of reliable industry AI, and key technologies of reliable smart manufacturing for typical industry scenarios.


AI驱动的控制智能 AI-Driven Control Intelligence


The co-design of wireless networked control systems and its security, Big Data driven control, cloud control, and relevant applications in smart factory, smart logistics, green building, dedicated mobile robots, etc.
